- Sign-up to receive the MGBC Phone Prayer Chain: email [email protected]
- Weekly MGBC Prayer sheets: available at info center Sunday mornings and in the digital update email that are sent on Friday
- Prayer for the Nation and Nations (Contact: Marj Wisker) Meets every Monday at 12pm noon in the Prayer Room or Berachah Classroom
- Ladies’ Prayer Group: (Contact:Betty Burns) Meets every Wednesday 11am
- Moms In Prayer: Meets every Wednesday 10am during the regular school year (Contact: Geri Roth/Anne Stern)
- VBS Prayer Team during VBS Week: Last full week of July (Contact: Geri Roth)
- National Day of Prayer: Thursday May 4, 2023: Yearly dedicated times of Prayer at MGBC, Martinsburg Borough Building and Legion Park Hollidaysburg
- Missionary Prayer Cards: available at table in the Lobby
- Nights of Prayer: held sporadically throughout the year Sunday Evenings in the Multipurpose Room details on monthly church calendar and digital updates.
Annual Outreach Events:
- Bargain Days: during the Martinsburg Yardsales end of June/Early July (Contact: Pastor Brant or Lynn Ritchey)
- Cove Shoe Luncheon: Early August (Contact Pastor Brant)
- Light Up the Night: Martinsburg Trick or Treat Night, end of October (Contact Geri Roth)
- Thanksgiving Outreach and Meal Delivery: Early November (Contact Anne Stern)
- Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes: Month of November (Contact Deb Metzker or church office)
- Wheels of Joy/Bikes for Barbuda: End of November through mid-December (Contact Jason & Jen Butler)
Synergy Youth & Young Adults:
Contact Pastor Ryan Ritchey
Contact Pastor Ryan Ritchey
- Youth Leaders: (Jr. High and Sr. High)
- Youth S.S.Teachers
- Youth Event Host Locations
- Young Adult leaders and or group teachers
- Hosts for Young Adults events or social times
Music/Tech Opportunities:
Contact Pastor Ryan Ritchey
Contact Pastor Ryan Ritchey
- Worship Team: Singers/Instrumentalists
- Youth Worship Team: Singers/Instrumentalists
- Tech Team (Sunday AM)
- Tech Team (Youth, Wednesday PM)
- Praise Choir (sings once each month)
- Adult Choir: Sings weekly during services and seasonally at cantatas (Contact Laura Lloyd)
- Kids Choir: Singing with the adult choir for their Christmas cantata this year (Contact Marci Starr)
- Orchestra: Christmas and Easter seasons
MGBC Kids Ministry Volunteers:
Contact Geri Roth or Erin Deitle
Contact Geri Roth or Erin Deitle
- Wednesday Night Kids’ Club Volunteers : PreK- 5th grade age-grouped classes Wednesdays, September – April from 7-8pm
- Monthly Nursery volunteers: (infant- PreK classrooms) During Sunday School or Worship service
- Sunday School or Children’s Church teachers: Prek-5th grade classes (regular, rotational, or substitutes)
- Sunday Morning Check-In Station helpers
- Childcare Volunteers during Moms Matter Monthly meetings 2nd Thursday of the month 9:30am-11:30am (Contact [email protected])
- Childcare Volunteers during the ESL Classes hosted at MGBC Monday Nights 6-7:30pm (Contact: Barb Knepper)
- Extra Adult help for Family Fun Nights
- VBS Volunteers (Last full week of July) group leaders, crafts, Bible teachers etc.
- Good News Bible Club: An after school Bible club for kids– meets 18 weeks, usually beginning in January or February. (Contact Jan Colbert, club teacher, to volunteer as a helper)
Miscellaneous Opportunities:
- Greeters and Ushers: (Contact Pastor Brant)
- Security during Sunday Mornings and Wednesday evening programming: (Contact the church office Shirley Stoltz or Erin Deitle)
- Take them a Meal Ministry: provide a meal for those in our congregation following health issues and recovery, a new baby, or other events (Contact Erin Deitle)
- Funeral Meals: occasionally desserts or other items are needed for funeral meals (Contact the Church office)
- Sisters of Faith is a monthly meeting of widows organized by Karen Huntsman. Contact Karen if you’d like to help with cooking, baking, serving meals, helping with crafts/music/devotion time or to come fellowship with the Ladies
- Moms Matter: MGBC representatives needed for the Steering/Planning Committee (Contact Connie Strappello)
- Rides Needed! Occasionally needs will arise for local transportation to/from appointments –usually during the day. (Contact Danny Horton)
- Card Writing/Phone calls for shut-ins from our congregation or others in need of encouragement (Contact Danny Horton)
- Decoration help needed especially leading up to VBS Week and during Christmas season (Contact [email protected])
- Handy-Men Needed! Trustee team and similar work inside and outside of the church building and other community needs that we may be contacted about (Contact Joe Salyards for church building related service or Danny Horton for community/congregational needs)
- ESL Teachers Needed (English as Second Language group meets MONDAY NIGHTS at MGBC. 6pm-7:30pm. September thru May. Comprehensive TEACHER TRAINING available periodically at Altoona Alliance Church (Contact Barb Knepper)
Leadership Opportunities:
- ABF Teachers or Substitutes (Contact Pastor Brant)
- Life Group Leaders (Contact Pastor Rudy)
- Forged & Refined Group Leaders (Contact Pastor Ryan)
- Men’s and Women’s Ministry Team (Contact Pastor Rudy or Lynn Ritchey)
- Trustee Committee (Contact Joe Salyards)
- Missions Trips and Missions Team Opportunities: (Contact Pastor Brian and Kerry Jeffries)